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some common pre-sales questions


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  1. We have installed SQL server 2016 on the same machine (Windows 2012 Server R2). are the images for the assets being stored in the database, if not how can this be done?

the images are stored in a separate IMAGES folder, you could set a network shared folder as the IMAGES folder so all users would have access.

  1. We have a Dymo Printer 450 (http://www.dymo.com/en-AU/labelwriter%3Csup%3E%C2%AE%3C-sup%3E-450-labelwriter-450) for our labels that we stick to equipment. How can we export / print to that printer

you would need to edit the labels template to change the output to match the label coordinates.   We have a video on this at:




  1. How can we link other users to this database. I saw a video of it being done but can not seem to find it

The AssetManage Standard has a built in USERS permission permission feature.  The AssetManage Enterprise would require setting permissions at the SQL administrator level.

  1. Is it possible to install the client on MacOSX / IPADS

Not currently, but we will have an AssetManage for the Mac / iPad in late 2018.

  1. Is it possible to customermize the barcode. 

Yes, the report designer supports all major barcode formats.

  1. Is there a was using Excel that we can batch import our Assets?

Yes, there is an import feature that lets you import.  Is best to first save the EXCEL spreadsheet in CSV format.

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