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HomeManage 2024 Barcode Lookup not working

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Installed HomeManage 2024, used the trial for 2 days all went well.  Bought and activated license. Barcode scanned without issue for a day then it stopped.  No error messages. No message about "Not Found".. nothing.  Manually entering barcode, press lookup, nothing.  Confirmed barcode scanner works with all other websites and applications.

Reboot/restart, uninstalled and reinstalled application still no lookup function working.   I am in the US.

Please provide some troubleshooting steps.


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I am also having this same problem.  I just type in a description and move on to the next item.  It does save the item.  I would like a picture also since I am using the program to track what I got from my dad's house for inheritance inventory.  I hope someone will give use both an answer.

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I have the same problem with both Bar Code lookup and ASIN lookup - neither are working any longer. I am using HomeManage 2022 and have been a HomeManage user for years. It seems like the connections to the sites that do the Bar Code and ASIN lookups are broken or not working, as I can manually lookup both at amazon-asin or UPC Barcode Search — Look up any UPC, EAN, or ISBN (go-upc.com)


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