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CraigCC last won the day on August 28 2019

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  1. Thanks... tried using what I thought was my activation code and am being told that I must purchase another key. What is the next step?
  2. Does licensing permit two installs of one purchase of Stamp Manage as I would like to have a copy on both my desktop as well as my laptop. If this is permitted what are the steps to install and activate on the second PC? Thanks!!
  3. Thanks for the replay. For me personally I have no preference and would defer to the group, just think it's silly to have more than a single name for what is really the same thing.
  4. Is there a reason for the inconsistencies you see between countries on the names given to some basic categories? The largest example is ... "Regular Issue" vs "General Issue" ... another but lesser example is "Air Post" vs "Air Mail". I get that much may come from cultural terminology differences but being somewhat a detail nut I find it annoying ... just as with the upper/lower case variations. I know it is rather silly but am curious if it's more than just how people think of them personally.
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