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Posts posted by Mar

  1. Outstanding idea.  I've already done what you're suggesting; however, having it built into the program's backup process makes a lot of sense.  Here's what I did:

    First off, I have all data sub-directories stored under a "HomeManageData" directory (this is actually stored on an external hard drive I use for data files).  I added a sub-directory titled "Attachments."  I copy all the PDF files (or other types) I'll be using as attachments to this sub-directory.  By doing so, I have ALL related data in one place.  Now when I'm adding/editing an inventory item and want to link it to an attachment, I go to my "\HomeManageData\Attachments\" sub-directory to create the link.

    I backup my whole system daily so my HomeManage data is automatically backed up.  I also have my backup software configured to backup just certain data files every third day.  So again I'm protected (two major crashes over the years have taught me the need to backup on a regular basis).  While all this is automated, and trouble-free, having it built-in to the program makes a lot of sense.


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