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Posts posted by sceptical

  1. I've looked at this a couple of times since you first posted and I see the same thing you do, except for one thing.  My Status drop-down shows a third entry - 'Wish List' - which is persistent between records.  I believe that I put that entry there, but have no idea when or how I did it.  So, it does seem that it's possible to add user entries.

    Out of curiosity, if you click on 'View By' at the extreme lower left of the screen and then change the arrow to down-facing, what do you see?  I just see a big red X and ***No Items***.  Seems like I should see something there since it's clear that there are 3 entries.

  2. Can you please point me to the help topic or video that covers these two fields listed under 'Sorting Info' in the database editor?  I think these fields are what I need to use for Bullion Coins to  always show as the first item in the list of denominations.  I've been searching for this info but I just can't find it.  Thanks.

  3. Hi,

    I'm editing the CoinDetail.crd report in Deluxe 2023.  In that report, there are fields for Silver Content, Platinum Content and Gold Content.  Looking at the report, I see that 'Coin.GoldContent' is the field I need to populate for gold coins, but I don't see that field anywhere in coin properties or under Preferences. I'd really like to utilize those fields.  Can you please tell me where to find them and/or how to use them?  Thanks very much.

  4. On 12/31/2023 at 10:25 AM, mazov said:

    As of right now I have to access to the program.

    Sorry, I'm a little bit confused.

    Do you mean that you have NO access to the program?  Which program?  Coinmanage itself or OneDrive or something else?

    An when you say 'restore previous settings', what do you mean?  Which settings? 

    As far as changing directories, you just do what I assume you already did to change them to OneDrive.  Just go to the gear icon and change them there.

    Worst case, if you've used File > Backup Database, you can just restore from that.  But, without a little more info on the problem, I'm not able to offer much more than that.

  5. Ah, that's what I needed.  That file card has the right layout and I can easily change the labels and variables to what I want them to be.  If I could wish for one thing, it would be the ability to rename the fields and header for 'Catalog Number Information' under Coin Properties > Additional Info (in the main CoinManage app), but I know that's not really what you're asking.  I currently use those fields for other things, and it's confusing when the headers don't match what's in the field.  Still, I can at least put the right information in the report now that I've found it.

    Thanks again.

  6. 1)  I want to use the report 'Coin Details (1 Page Per Coin)' as the basis for a new custom report, but it doesn't show up under the Reporting > Edit Report menu - probably because there isn't an associated .lst file.  Is there a way to convert the .crd & .crv files to a format that CoinManage can read and edit?

    2) Failing that, Is there a similar report - 1 coin per page, portrait mode, coin details - that I could use as a basis?

    Thanks.  Have a wonderful holiday season, everybody.

  7. I know of two ways to do this, although I haven't had much luck getting the first one to work.  If you already have a report that you want to output to Excel, then go to 'Reporting > Output Report Using...' and then change the Printer dropdown to Excel or whatever else you want.

    The other one works better for me.  First, select all the records that you want to print.  Then, right click > Print.  The Output Options box will open where you can select the fields to print. Click the Print, Preview, etc.. button and then change the Printer dropdown to Excel or whatever else you want (csv works for me).

  8. 7 hours ago, admin said:

    It will not change the columns when a collection/country or denomination is selected. 

    I think this just answered the question.  The problem happens when I click 'Bullion Coins' in the far left window under Collections and then go to Setup > Columns > Showing Type in the setup window.  I click grading service in the 'Show the following' window and then click Delete to remove it.  The column gets removed, but is back the next time I open the program.  It sounds like that is expected behavior when the denomination 'Bullion Coins' is selected.  Correct?

  9. Hi,

    I modified one of the canned reports for my specific needs, but there are a couple of things I can't figure out.  The report title object prints only on the first page, which is what I want.  However, the next two text objects - page number and date - print on every page.  What I'd like to see is this:

    1) Print the page number on every page unless there is only one page.  In that case, suppress it.  Or maybe print something like 'Page [number] of [number of pages].  Ideally, I'd like to understand how to do both.

    2) Only print the date on the first page.  Suppress it on the following pages, like is done with the Report Title.

    There are a few things in the report designer manual that look like they might be the answer, but I'm not yet familiar enough with the reports to know exactly what to look for.  Can you provide some clarification?  Thanks in advance.


  10. I've been trying to figure this out but haven't had any luck - I know that you can drag coins between collections, but they end up in the same bucket in the new collection.  The database editor won't let you change the denomination, but I'm sure there are good reasons for that.  I decided at the beginning to add all of my bullion / bullion-like coins manually and that has worked out well for me.  But, as a retiree, I have plenty of time to do that.

  11. I didn't explain the problem very well not least because, as you said, it's complicated using only text.  But, I think I found what I need with the three set dropdown boxes.  I created a 'King Charles III Definitive Set', a 'Set Value' set, and a 'Set Weight' set.  I can then just assign each coin to those three sets.  I'll then assign a percentage of the total cost (based on weight, I guess) to each coin.  I'll still end up with the correct total cost in the reports.  Speaking of sets - is there a way to delete old / unused entries from the dropdown box?

    I would be very interested to see a video with your idea explained.  It sounds like it would be useful to have in my bag of tricks.  Thanks.



  12. I recently got one of the King Charles III Definitive sets.  I've created a Type entry for that and then created variety entries for each of the coins.  I would like to assign a value to the Type entry and leave the individual coins valueless since they would only ever be sold as a set.  The Type value would need to be in a field that can be printed.

    I'd think that a Type wouldn't normally have a value, although there is a Face Value field in the database editor.  That might work but I haven't been able to find it in the report editor.

    Do you have any other thoughts on how I can accomplish this?

    Thanks in advance.

    Also, consider this a vote for adding additional user-configurable fields in the next version.  They're very useful.

  13. I wrote this before realizing that you're asking about adding silver content and b.v. to the report.  I don't see a way to do that, but one of the canned reports might have that info.

    It's been a while since I've done this but it was something like this:  Configure your ''My Collection" view to show all the colums you want.  Click one of the records in that view, Ctrl-A to select all, Right click and select Print.  That will open an Output Options window.  Make sure that all the fields you want are in the Fields to Print box.  Click Print, Preview, etc... and select Text (CSV).  There's also an Excel option, but it seems to me that there was a problem with that.  Anyway, this might be a place to start.  I'm interested to know if you can get it to work for you.

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