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Everything posted by admin

  1. Amazon is very good about returning items so I would recommend buying a barcode scanner there.. Return the scanner if it can't read your PCGS barcodes...A vendor on Amazon must accept returns for pretty much any reason. Try to avoid the cheap Chinese scanners with "too good to be true" pricing.
  2. Hi, we can make the GUM pull down work like the FORMAT does. It is not too hard to program, we can add it for the next free update The StampManage 2018 free updates will roll out later this month.
  3. Hi, we will definitely have an iPhone / iPad CoinManage in 2018. The first version will be pretty basic, then we will add features every couple of months. An Android version is something we would like to have, but I can't commit to any release date as we have not started work on such a product.
  4. Hi, the Deluxe version does not have listings for all world stamps. You will see incomplete listings for countries such as Croatia. We are adding thousands of new listings every month, the next free update will include many more listings. It will be out in early January.
  5. we would just include it with the program for the next free update which will be out before January 1,.
  6. Hi, please check your email I believe we have replied to this.
  7. What we could do is add a new category to the NOTEBOOK called something like "Additional Cost", adding an item with this category would result in it being added to arrive at the final TOTAL COST of the item. Is that an acceptable solution for you?
  8. Hi, ok please note that doing that will move all the items into the DELETED ITEMS folder, you would need to select ACTIONS > EMPTY 'DELETED ITEMS' FOLDER to permanently remove the items. Another way to delete all assets is using CTRL + ALT + SHIFT + X
  9. admin

    Total Value

    hi, yes you can create graphs & charts, it would require some study of the REPORT DESIGNER MANUAL under the HELP menu. We will take a look at the report you mention and correct if necessary. We will also add some more charts to the program as you suggest.
  10. Hi, do you have a printed manual for the scanner? If not, can you search for the manual online. Just GOOGLE the product name + the text "manual". There should be a way to adjust the settings of the scanner to make it possible to read the PCGS barcodes. We are going to change the recommendation for a wand type scanner as we have a few customers who have no problems using a "normal" scanner.
  11. Hi, yes for the 2018 edition we will add all the VAM varieties to the Morgan Dollar section.
  12. admin

    Multi User

    So you have an SQL Server database that is accessed via the internet? AssetManage Enterprise should work in this scenario but there may be performance problems if the internet connection is not high speed.
  13. admin

    Multi User

    Hi, is this regarding the Standard version? If so, please watch this video on setting up the program for multi-users.
  14. === QUESTION === have watched many of your very helpful videos including adding images to an item. I want to add a pdf receipt to an item. I can see how that is done by adding an attachment. However unlike photos which are imbedded as images in my Home inventory software when added, the pdf document appears to require me to keep it on my hard drive. Is there a was to imbed the pdf doc in the software the way images are? This would allow me to delete the pdf files from the hard drive as I do the images once added to the software. === ANSWER === The program currently stores a simple file path to an attachment. Embedding the files in the database file would cause problems with large attachments. In the future we will probably give the user the option to copy any attachments to a folder, which would be backed up along with other data. The program would just store the filename. I
  15. Hi, the free updates are for customers on the latest (2017) edition of the product. Please email sales@libertystreet.com with your company info and we will reply with instructions on how to get to the 2017 edition.
  16. Hi, ok we will forward this error to Combit, they are the company that produces the reporting add on we use in the software.
  17. Hi sorry about that we will take a look at the values in this section. Please not we can not use SCOTT values they do not license values to any 3rd party that I am aware of. To get the actual selling prices for stamps on the internet, you can right mouse click on any stamp and select INFORMATION OVERLOAD, ebay completed, etc...
  18. Hi, this will definitely be in the upcoming 2018 edition. It will require a new field in the database and we didn't want to do that until a major new version is out. There are also many coins with a pretty much useless face value such as American Eagles. Don't think some of these coins will have the face value entered even for 2018.
  19. Hi, sure you can still record that information. It will be on the 2nd ADDTIONAL INFO tab you will see when in the ADD COIN dialog.
  20. Hi, sorry about that. Can you email us and we can reply with a trial extension code - (sales@libertystreet.com)
  21. Hi, we did include listings for Red Books in the database. So if you have older Red Books you can already inventory them. To add new books / supplies you would first need to add them to the program database. The program is not really designed for these items. If you need to inventory many supplies, books, etc... check out our HomeManage software.
  22. Hi, sorry we do not have an import feature. Does your spreadsheet include a unique identifier like the Friedberg number for each note? Any import we develop in the future would require such an id in order to be able to identify what note is being imported. You could add this info to the comments section. There is also a couple user defined fields that could be used. Yes, you can add up to 4 of your own images to each record. That kind of info could be added to the comments or the user defined fields mentioned earlier
  23. Hi, yes they are under UNITED STATES > UNC. MINT SETS. Other sets issued by the US Mint can be found in: UNITED STATES > US MINT PRODUCTS... such as Congratulation Sets, Birth Sets, etc...
  24. admin

    FDC Scans

    Hi, these are scans of your own FDCs? If so, you can upload them to a free www.dropbox.com account and we could make them available somehow .. thanks for the offer.
  25. hi, if you hold down the CTRL key while dragging a stamp to another collection.. it will make a COPY of the stamp in the target collection. You can also use the MOVE STAMPS toolbar button.
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